New Car Packages

Why Does My New Car Need A Detail?
When you buy a new car, you typically imagine that it is “mint” on the lot. Brand new, as good as it can look. However, unless you picked the car up from the factory yourself, it can take a fair amount of time to get from the factory to the dealership.

Chances are, it went through quite a few heavy-handed washes once it was on the lot. At many dealerships, the detailers will also attempt to fix defects or polish the whole car, often without proper experience or equipment, creating paint defects that are sometimes only visible weeks later. Many of our customers purchase shiny new cars only to notice after a few weeks that there are many swirl marks in the paint, hidden by the product used.

Even if your car was washed with care, dealerships do not typically spend any effort to protect the paint. They can sit outside in the elements for months, with unprotected paint highly susceptible to environmental contaminants.

The New Car Package
We recommend that cars purchased new from dealerships get at minimum ourĀ Gold Package, or one of our Ceramic Coating Packages. Both of which include a thorough exterior detail, and either a sealant or our premium ceramic coatings.

After hand-washing the car, we decontaminate the paint using a chemical solvent to remove any traces of iron industrial fallout left on the clear coat of the car, which can settle on the car during production and shipping. These traces of iron will rust on the car, damaging the clear-coat and looking unsightly.

We then clay the paint using automotive clay, removing the fallout and any other surface contaminants, and do a one-step polish on the paint, removing light oxidation and swirl marks, and enhancing the gloss of the paint. We then follow up with a 6-month Paint Sealant in our Gold Package, or with either 2 or 3 year Ceramic Coating Packages, for the best and longest-lasting protection.


We offer 10% off on these packages for any car with paper plates or less than 1000 miles!

